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Liquid for removing hair extensions Furman 100 ml

Brand name:Furman
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The liquid for removal of the raised hair easily removes keratin capsules 100 ml
Dimensions:12 × 4 × 4 cm
Gross weight:0.12 kg
Type:Hair Remover
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74 грн.
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Liquid for removing hair extensions Furman 100 ml

Mode of application: Spray the product on the area of attachment to the natural hair of a strand of hair extensions. Wait about 30 seconds for the clutch of the strands with the hair to loosen and they could be easily removed. Then gently divide both glued belts and pull down, hold at the roots a strand of client hair.

Remedy for removing hair extensions by hot technology.

The liquid for removing hair, does not require the use of gloves, is harmless to the hair and scalp, easily removes keratin capsules: apply the capsule, then soften the capsule, use special forceps and carefully pull the strand off the natural hair.

Removal of hair extensions - features of removing hot and cold build-up

If you want to build hair for the first time, then you will be interested to know not only about how the procedure itself builds up. But also about how later you can remove the hair extensions. The removal of donor strands takes place in different ways, depending on which technology artificial and natural curls were attached to. As is known, at present there are many ways of artificial hair extension - this is hot keratin build-up, and cold tape build-up, and English build-up on resin.

If we consider hot hair extensions, then the removal is as follows. Master alternately, starting from the upper parts of the head and moving to the back of the head, takes artificial strands to build up and applies a special liquid to the keratin capsules. After the keratin is softened, the extension specialist examines the capsules in addition with tweezers for removal. After that, keratinous compounds crumble to dust. Removal of hair extensions according to English technology takes place in a similar way. The only difference is that to remove the hair extensions in the first case is much easier. The resin, which is used to join artificial and natural curls with English technology, is more traumatic. After the keratin or resin is broken, the master pulls the artificial strands to build, holding the natural locks at the very roots. What's next? As you know, hair extensions, for which proper care has not been carried out, can get lost in scraps and knuckles. Therefore, the next step is a thorough combing of the head of hear. Next - washing the head with shampoo deep cleaning.

In order to remove the tape hair extension, a special liquid is also used. Starting from the vertex and moving to the back of the head, the master applies a special compound to the adhesive tape on both sides. After that, gently stir the tape with his hands. After that, he also combs the locks, removes shreds and confusion, and rinses the client's hair. In general, as you can see, lifting hair extensions is an absolutely safe and simple procedure. However, for its implementation requires some experience and skills. And therefore, to remove hair extensions at home without any harm to natural hair, it is sometimes impossible. Among other things, you will certainly need to buy liquid to remove hair extensions. And its cost is quite high, since the facility is intended for numerous procedures, and not for one removal. Refuse to save, and entrust the removal of the hair extensions specialist.

Features: large volume.

Gross weight
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