Caution! Counterfeit Kodi

Caution! Counterfeit Kodi

Dear customers!

In the market again there were many fakes Rubber base and Rubber top in the amount of 30 ml. In this regard, the company Cody decided to stop the production of Rubber base and Rubber top in the amount of 30 ml.

Rubber base and Rubber top in the amount of 30 ml are not already officially produced or sold.

Dear customers,

Be careful! Since Kodi gel-lacquers have become quite popular, the market already has counterfeitsgel varnishes Kodi Professional.

Because of this, all gel-lacquers 7 ml will be replaced by gel-varnish 8 ml in a new original bottle. Gel-lacquers in a 7 ml bottle are almost all sold out and it will be impossible to buy them in large quantities soon. Shipping from the manufacturer's warehouse is no longer being conducted. If you are offered cheaper than in our store or in a large quantity of 7 ml - be sure to check whether it is a fake.

We only have original Kodi gel-varnishes from the official manufacturer in the store.

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