Гидроперит El Studio фасовка 1 кг
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Gidroperit El Studio packing 1 kg

Brand name:El Studio
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Gidroperit perikisi consisting of hydrogen and urea. This compound is very effective discolor hair. Packaging 1 kg
Gross weight:1.1 kg
Type:Oxidizing agent
Brand:El Studio
Packaging:1 kg
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600 грн.
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Gidroperit packing 1 kg (Hydroperitum) - clathrate hydrogen peroxide with carbamide (urea). When dissolved in water, hydrogen peroxide solution is obtained and urea (harmless neutral compound is used as a food additive E927b). The content of hydrogen peroxide in the compound of 34.01%. International name: Urea peroxide (Urea peroxide).

Not a medicine!

It applies to:

  • In cosmeticsas an oxidant clarifiers for hair and permanent colors. Urea contained in gidroperit promotes better penetration of the peroxide into the hair structure.
  • In medicineas an antiseptic. Has a disinfectant, deodorant, haemostatic effect. Upon contact with the damaged skin or mucous membranes is released active oxygen, there is a mechanical purification and inactivation of organic substances.
  • Pool cleaninggidroperit applied dissolved in water which corresponds perhydrol. Calculation: 700 grams per 1 ton of water (1 cc).


Has a disinfectant, deodorant, haemostatic effect. Upon contact with the damaged skin or mucous membranes is released active oxygen, there is a mechanical purification and inactivation of organic substances (proteins, blood and pus).

Indications: inflammatory mucosal disease, septic wounds, capillary bleeding from superficial wounds, nosebleeds; stomatitis, tonsillitis, gynecological diseases (disinfection). To rinse the mouth and throat are dissolved in 1.5 g of water glass (200 ml) (0.25% solution of hydrogen peroxide). For washing, dissolved in 6 g of water glass (1% solution).

Lightening hair gidroperita

For clarification and discoloration of hair you will need:

  • gidroperita powder;
  • syringe;
  • porcelain or glass utensils;
  • flour;
  • ammonia;
  • liquid soap;
  • fat cream;
  • towel;
  • rubber gloves and safety goggles.


  1. Take 15 grams powder gidroperita and chop them. Writing (using a syringe for convenience) water according to the table below. To prepare the high concentrations necessary to use hot water and to carry out the dissolution in a hot water bath. All manipulations were carried out in a porcelain or glass container, preferably with rubber gloves and safety goggles.
  2. The concentration required for different hair types: Hair lightening thick 7-12% Hair average thickness of 5-11%, 3-7% fine hair.
  3. To determine the amount of water and the resulting concentration, using the table:
    • 3% - 15 g gidroperita - 166 ml of water
    • 4% - 15 g gidroperita - 121 ml of water
    • 5% - 15 g gidroperita - 94 ml of water
    • 6% - 15 g gidroperita - 75 ml of water
    • 7% - 15 g gidroperita - 63 ml of water
    • 8% - 15 g gidroperita - 53 ml of water
    • 9% - 15 g gidroperita - 46 ml of water
    • 10% - 15 g gidroperita - 40 ml of water
    • 11% - 15 g gidroperita - 35 ml of water
    • 12% - 15 g gidroperita - 31 ml of water
  4. The ratios in the table are valid when calculating the proportion. For example: to prepare 100 g of a 10% solution must take 15 * (15 + 40) / 100 = 27 g gidroperita and 100-27 = 73 g of water.
  5. Add the solution to thicken conventional wheat flour. Apply the mixture to the hair for 7-10 minutes, then rinse under running water. This method is suitable to lighten hair on the body.
  6. For clarification, take 3 grams gidroperita powder hair color, add a 2 ampoules of ammonia. The resulting mixture was pour in tablespoon shampoo spoon. Apply shampoo on hair for 3-5 minutes and then rinse thoroughly under running water. Be prepared for the fact that the first time is not always possible to lighten the hair to the desired tone. In addition, they may turn yellow.
  7. To lighten the individual strands take 6 grams gidroperita powder hair color. Add a teaspoon of liquid soap, shampoo or shaving cream and a teaspoon of ammonia.
  8. Cover shoulders with a towel, the skin at the hairline smear fat cream. Wear rubber gloves. With the wool evenly apply the composition prepared for clarification on the strands of hair, receding from the roots in the 0.8-10 mm. Keep 10-15 minutes, then rinse. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water.

Features of use gidroperita

  • Before gidroperita lighten your hair, do not wash the head at least a day. Fat prevent skin damage;
  • Ingredients put on dry unwashed hair and endure five - ten minutes, depending on the desired effect. Thoroughly rinse with warm water;
  • If necessary, repeat the procedure in two - three days, if the effect is not satisfied.

Often gidroperit used for bleaching or lightening hair is not recommended, as its constituent hydrogen peroxide damages the hair.

Gidroperita lighten your hair, scalp close to the hairline lubricate fat cream in order to avoid burns. If the agent gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of water.

With gidroperita you can also weave hair, lighten the individual strands them. The composition is applied at a distance of one centimeter from the roots, and the time its effect is increased to 15 minutes.

Before using gidroperit for removing or bleaching the hair, it is recommended to perform a test for sensitivity to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction. You should not use this tool to owners of sensitive and dry skin, as well as those who are cut hair ends.

We recommend to lighten hair to use a ready-made structure oxidant cream 12% 50 mL Furman.

Gidroperit for hair removal

With gidroperita can remove hair on the arms, legs or armpits. To remove hair above the lip is a tool should be avoided as this can lead to irritation of the face and skin dryness.

Depending on the quality of the hair, this process will have to be repeated several times, approximately every two days. Hard and dark hair are likely to completely uninstall does not work, but to achieve their clarification and restructuring - is quite real. As a result, they become almost invisible.

Before removing hair gidroperit need to purchase and prepare a 15% solution in water. It is such a concentration of the best will remove unwanted vegetation on the body.

To prepare the composition sufficient 4.5 g of powder and diluted in 10 ml of water. To measure the amount of water, it's best to use the measuring cup.

Next, to this solution was added 10 drops of ammonia, all carefully agitated and applied to a problem skin. Waiting means completely dry, repeat his application to the body again. A few days later the procedure is repeated, and so on to achieve the desired result.

Some women, in order that the composition was more dense, and it was more convenient to use, it is added to the wheat flour.


The above-described procedures are performed at your own risk. In the case of side effects - seek medical attention immediately.

Antiseptic gidroperita is not sterilizing, there is a temporary reduction in the number of microorganisms. Should not be used with occlusive dressings. It can not be used for irrigation of the cavities, avoid contact with eyes.

Powder for solutionfor topical use.

The country of manufacture:Ukraine.

Storage:In a dry, dark place at a temperature from 8 ° C to 20 ° C.

Packing:packing 1 kg ± 2%.

Gross weight
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