Крем для кожи Veratin Classic

Veratin Classic Skin Cream

Brand name:VERATIN
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Veratin Classic is aimed at accelerating the regeneration and restoration of the skin after any traumatic impact on it.
Gross weight:0.029 kg
Volume:20 мл
Size:12 cm
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170 грн.
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Veratin Classic

The action of Veratin Classic cream is aimed at accelerating the regeneration and restoration of the skin after any traumatic impact on it. In podiatry, it is used to heal cracked heels and dry skin of the feet. Veratin Classic cream accelerates the restoration of skin tissue after removing calluses. Relieves inflammation of the periungual fold during the treatment of an ingrown nail. Increases skin immunity, prevents the development of infection in the wound.

Veratin Classic cream is also used for household burns, cuts, bruises and wounds that do not heal for a long time to speed up skin regeneration. It has a hypoallergenic effect, is used for skin itching and dermatitis.

Indications for use

  • ingrown nail (treatment of the nail fold after correction);
  • dermatitis (dry skin, irritation);
  • burns of various origins (I and II degrees);
  • itching, burning, redness of the skin;
  • cracked heels; insect bites;

Active ingredients:Alexandrian Laurel oil (Taman oil), milk thistle oil, CO2 extracts of herb, yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort, grape seeds and birch bast.


  • To treat cracks and dry skin of the feet, apply after procedures to clean, dry skin. For home care, use 2 times a day. Once the result is achieved, apply 1 time per day or as indicated.
  • After removing calluses, apply Veratin Classic cream to clean, dry skin twice a day as home care.
  • After correcting an ingrown nail, apply the product to the inflamed part of the nail fold.
  • For home care, apply 2 times a day until complete healing after the procedure.
  • For burns of various origins, apply Veratin Classic cream to damaged areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.
  • Can be applied to large affected areas.
  • For dermatitis of various origins, apply the product in a thin layer to the damaged areas of the skin in combination with the main treatment.
  • For insect bites, apply to affected areas of skin 2-3 times a day or as directed.

Volume:20 ml

Gross weight
Shelf life
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