Wax strips Kodi Professional facial and underarm easy to apply, does not require special intense heating and professionalism. On each strip the wax has already been done, which is a simplified version of the shroud waxing process. Using strips is possible in the home, they completely eliminate the risk of burns and skin well with removal of hair from 2 mm to 5 mm. Prior to use, clean, degrease and dry skin, then reheat the strip in hands for 30 seconds, to unprotect the wax to attach the strip to the skin, pressing and smoothing in the direction of growth of hairs 5 seconds (the optimal coupling wax material will be achieved with hairs) . Press the skin near the site depiliruemym hand and perform the separation strip in the direction of hair growth. The same strip can be used several times, until the wax is still tacky. Upon completion of depilatory wipe the skin tissue.
Amount: 10 strips 2 and finish-wipes
Size strips: 5x10 cm
The country: United States.