Антинакипин Furman для стиральных машин 40 г
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Furman decalcifier for washing machines 40 g

Furman decalcifier for washing machines 40 g

Brand name:Furman
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Furman decalcifier for washing machines mild acidic solution, does not harm metal parts
Dimensions:10 × 1 × 10 cm
Gross weight:0.05 kg
Kyiv, M Poznyaki:
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Kyiv, M Minska:
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18 грн.
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The most sensitive functional part of the washing machine, the most susceptible to aggressive influences, is the heating element. Over time, it becomes covered with mineral deposits and requires more electricity to reach the desired temperature, which negatively affects the efficiency of the washing machine as a whole.

Scale is removed using a mild acidic solution that is not harmful to metal parts. In its composition it contains special additives, the so-called corrosion inhibitors that protect metal parts. The product does not contain citric acid. It is too weak for scale that forms when washed in hot water. We constantly eat citric acid, Coca-Cola, lemon pie, etc. If the lemon were able to cope with scum, it would dissolve our teeth (which, like scum, are composed of calcium salts). The stories that it is possible to cope with limescale with the help of citric acid were launched by illiterate journalists - simply lemon is the most accessible substance for the population containing acid in its name. You can be convinced of the futility of fighting limescale with citric acid. Try to clean the kettle with a lemon - the result will disappoint you.

There is no need to disassemble the machine for descaling. Everything is done simply. Directly to the drum where you usually lay your laundry Antinakipin is poured for washing machines. Yes, it’s in the drum. Since, if poured into the powder compartment, the effectiveness of Antinakipin may decrease. Antinakipin will react with the remnants of the powder (which has an alkaline reaction), and not with scale on the heating element. Then the maximum temperature mode is set, and the machine starts for one full cycle.

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Александр Калинин
Отлично !
Олег Банный
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